Outdoor Spaces
The Withies
The Parish Council owns a section of open land stretching from Poplar Corner, on Brimpton Road, to Wildwood and a variety of other small pieces of land, mostly within the same area.
In May 2009 a band of trusty volunteers helped clear the path leading from 'The Wellington Arms' to 'The Old Schoolhouse' in Baughurst Road. The Parish Council would like to thank them for their efforts.
'THE WITHIES' - behind the War Memorial, Baughurst Road
We hope to improve the area around the War Memorial, and would appreciate your thoughts. Below are our outline plans for the development, and we would appreciate your views.
Walking for health
Walking for health has started again - for more information, follow the link: Basingstoke Wellbeing Walks - Basingstoke Voluntary Action (bvaction.org.uk)
Recreation Grounds
There are three recreation grounds:
Pineapple Field
Named after the adjacent Pineapple Inn, Pineapple Field has a pavilion and a junior football pitch and is available for hire on either a regular or casual basis at very reasonable rates. Please email the Clerk for further details
Long Grove
Long Grove has children's play equipment with safety surfacing
Wolverton Field
Wolverton Field has a small supply of playground equipment
The Parish is particularly well blessed with nearly 50 footpaths and bridleways, all carefully monitored and maintained with the help of Hampshire County Council.
Baughurst Parish Council has also published two leaflets containing details of 'Walks in the Parish', now both sadly out of print.
Brenda Parker Way
A new route has been designed, to commemorate the life of Brenda Parker, a stalwart member of the Ramblers Association. This long-distance path, which crosses North Hampshire, opened in 2011.
Find out more at http://www.brendaparkerway.hampshire.org.uk/index.html