Walk 17
Walk 17: Baldwin’s Copse (Original walk information from 1977)
Approximate time: 1hr 30 mins
Start map reference:
From George & Dragon Public House, Wolverton, proceed due west as far as council houses (Townsend) past the forge where Messrs. Bert and Richard Wiggins, working farriers, may be seen.
Turn right off C. 101 immediately after passing the forge, along Footpath No. 33 (signpost) into Wolverton Road, along a farm access road. Branch left at fork and, shortly after, left again; then branch right-handed and go through to road C. 89. Then turn I eft. Leave C .89, turning right into Sandford Wood, down Footpath No. 31 (signpost) between Hare & Hounds Inn and Baughurst Parish Council playing field.
Through wicket gate beside 5-bar gates and turn right at once. Bear left at next Forestry Commission noticeboard. At fork keep right, following fence line, and proceed over stile.
EITHER follow Footpath No. 30 — bear right across fields over stile and proceed down side of paddock, keeping to right of house (Island Heron) and so down drive to rejoin C. 89;
OR follow Footpath No. 29 — proceed along hedge line on left and through metal 4-bar gate; diagonally across field facing due north to far corner of field where footpath proceeds over bridge 40 yds. east of corner into Kingsclere Parish. At this point turn sharply right, bear left over sleeper bridge and keep to right-hard hedge line through 5-bar gate, follow signs, and through metal gate and along drive (Century House) to C .89.
THEN turn left onto C .89. Turn right Off C .89 down Footpath No. 28 (signpost) and follow left fork off farm road. Cross ditch over stile and keep to right-hand hedge and over another stile. Keep to headland across field, through 6-bar gate, then left through another metal gate and across field facing south-east through another metal gate. Keep to right-hand hedge mainly in same general di recti on, and then keep right of hedge along narrow field and go between caravan and hedge and onto C. 101. Turn right along road to return to George Dragon Public House.
A very pleasant and varied walk. Cattle make field gateways muddy and wellingtons are necessary in winter.
Please help with updating the information on this walk. This walk needs to be updated from the original 1977 version and if you follow this walk and notice a nice detail (an "instance of delight”) please send in images that we may use and a description of the item and where it is located. Or if a walk reminds you of a personal anecdote, please sent it in to us. The email address to use is in the below QR Code. Just point your device camera at it and an email will automatically be addressed and prepared for you. We will regularly update this walk with contributions from the community.